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                Products >Automatic Belt Sewing Machine

                Function Introduction

                This model is a special automation equipment newly developed by HIGHLEAD, which is specially used for various belt, hand-held color bag, garment belt and other strip-shaped articles. The sewing machine head is directly driven by a built-in powerful servo motor with low noise and high torque. The servo control system is precise, reliable, stable, versatile and easy to operate. Link feeding mechanism and automatic lubrication system ensure machine long-term smooth operation and durability. The back cover plate is completely closed, which can effectively prevent oil leakage. In the sewing process, the size of stitch length can be programmed to keep the consistency of stitches. The special oil-free shuttle solves the problem of thread breakage caused by fever and avoids the problem of poor product quality caused by thread breakage in use.

                Thanks for a series of high performance pneumatic and electronic components, such as needle gauge conversion automatic induction control system and bottom thread alarm coding system, the device has many automatic functions, such as automatic presser foot lifter, automatic feeding, automatic turning angle, etc. It has stable performance, fast speed and high efficiency. The machine can be programmed to sew the tail of the belt in various styles, such as circular, trapezoidal and conical, to meet the needs of different customers, and to achieve multi-machine operation by one person, which greatly saves labor and reduces production costs.

                Product Parameters

                Max sewing




                Needle bar



                foot lift

                Sewing thickness


                Needle sizeLubrication

                Sewing length



                Maximun gas



                max capacity

                2000 r.p.m.0 - 8 mm35 mm

                13 mm


                8 mm






                width:Less than 80 mm

                220V750W Servo motor

                Max. Power 1000W


                40 L/min

                85 PCS

                /per hour




                Phone Number

                (8621)6406 1284

                Copyright highlead.com.cn 2019.All Rights Reserved 沪ICP备06007801号-1 ©Shanghai Biaozhun Hailing Sewing Machinery Co., Ltd.